Programs allow Administrators to group courses together for users to do in a sequential order. Programs are great for serving as a pathway for users throughout the course of their learning.
Create and Update Programs
Administrators have the ability to create and update programs within the system. Creating a program requires the Administrator to provide some details including program name and whether the program should be pinned to the home page. Administrators can update these details at any time.
Manage Program Content
Once a program has been created an Administrator can add stages and content to the program. A maximum of 10 stages can be added to each program each with their own editable label. Each stage must contain some content which can be any combination of existing Courses, Live Learning shells, Resources and Videos. Each piece of content can only be added to an individual program once.
View Programs
Each program has an associated View Program page which displays the content of the program split up into stages. The content within each stage can only be accessed if the user has completed all of the content in the previous stage. Programs are always accessible to users via the Catalogue. From the home page users will be able to access and see their progress in Programs that have been pinned to the home page.
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