Bulk Uploading or Updating Users
This guide will walk you through the step by step process to bulk upload users. Bulk Uploading users are used to create new users, add user fields to existing users, and enable the Supervisor feature.
1. Proceed to Admin > User Management > Bulk User Upload.
2. From the Bulk User Upload page. Download the spreadsheet required for a Bulk User Upload by clicking the button.
3. Open the 'Example_User_Upload' spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet will display the different User Fields as column headers in the system.
- The spreadsheet will display example users you will need to delete.
4. There are Four User Fields required to be filled out for each user in the upload:
- username (the same as email)
- email (the same as username)
- firstname
- lastname
There are three User Fields that are optional:
- manager_username (used to enable the Supervisor function)
- suspended (TRUE will suspend a user. FALSE or an empty cell will activate the user)
The remaining column headers are your custom User Fields.
5. Once the spreadsheet has been filled out, upload it to the Bulk User Upload page by clicking the button or dragging the file into this area:
6. 'Send Emails to new users' toggle is off by default. Turning it on will send all new users created by the Bulk User Upload an email notifying them of their new account.
7. To action the Bulk User Upload, click the button. The upload may take sometime to process. Once it is complete you will be shown the results of the upload.
You have now successfully uploaded users in bulk! Please contact support if the upload was unsuccessful.
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