Manually Add Users to a Cohort Manually Add Users to a Cohort

Manually Add Users to a Cohort

Permanently deleted user Permanently deleted user

This guide will take an Admin through the steps for manually adding users to a Cohort. The automated method for assigning users to Cohorts can be found here. If you want to discover what the Cohort function is used for, please read this article.


1. Navigate to the 'Manage Cohorts' page by clicking Admin > User Management > Manage Cohorts.




2. Manually add users to a Cohort by clicking the Screen_Shot_2022-04-08_at_4.51.47_pm.png on the Cohort then selecting Screen_Shot_2022-04-11_at_4.32.20_pm.png. Select the users you want to add to the cohort. Then press CONFIRM_icon.png to finalise.




3. Manually remove users from a Cohort by clicking the Screen_Shot_2022-04-08_at_4.51.47_pm.png on the Cohort then selecting Screen_Shot_2022-04-11_at_5.08.26_pm.png. Select the users you want to remove from the Cohort. Then press CONFIRM_icon.png to finalise.




Note: Manually removing users from a Cohort will not remove them if they are assigned to the Cohort by a User Field.


4. To view a list of the users in the Cohort, select the Screen_Shot_2022-04-08_at_4.34.45_pm.png icon.


You have now successfully manually added or removed users from a Cohort!


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