Assigning a Facilitator
This article will show you how to assign a user as a Course facilitator.
Facilitators are users that can perform the same actions as a tenancy administrator, but only within the subset of content specified by the administrator (Programs, Courses, Live Learnings). Facilitators can also be assigned to Open Courses. The exception is facilitators are unable to delete a Course. Facilitators can perform the below actions:
- When content is shared, the Receiving Tenancies of shared content can be assigned as facilitators of the content (by Acorn Administrators).
- Facilitators have the ability to swap into another tenant and facilitate content in another tenancy.
1. Proceed to Catalogue > Filter by Courses > Click on the Course.
2. Click > Select 'Assign Facilitators' > Clickto Select a user(s) as a Facilitator
- Select one or more users to be assigned as a facilitator. Use the search for last name or email fields to find the user if required.
3. Click at the bottom right hand corner of the page.
Note: If you would like to unassign a facilitator, follow the steps above except in Step 2, use the button .
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