How to Create a Quiz How to Create a Quiz

How to Create a Quiz

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Creating a Quiz

This article will teach Admins and facilitators how to configure Quiz activities.

The Quiz activity allows admin to add questions of various types. You can configure the Quiz to be attempted multiple times, with the questions shuffled, and a time limit may be set.

Each attempt is marked automatically, with the exception of essay questions, and the grade is recorded in the gradebook. You can choose when and if hints, feedback and correct answers are shown to students.

1. Navigate to a Course > Click the Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 2.09.33 PM.png > Start Editing > Create Activity > Select 'Quiz'

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2. Fill in the required fields and configure the settings:

  • Quiz Name (Required) - The title of the Quiz activity.
  • Quiz Description (Required) - The description of the Quiz activity.
  • Show Description - The description will be displayed if this toggle is switched on.
  • Timing Settings - Define an open and close time for the quiz (if any) and assign a time limit.
  • Grade Settings - Define the maximum grade, passing grade, amount of attempts allowed, and grading method.
  • Layout Settings - Define the amount of questions per page and the navigation method between pages.
  • Question Behaviour Settings - Define if questions are randomly shuffled and how individual question feedback is given.
  • Review Settings - Define what information students can see when they review a quiz attempt or look at the quiz reports.
  • Attempt Restriction Settings - Define if the Quiz requires a password to access. Also if there is a delay between Quiz attempts.
  • Overall Feedback Settings - Overall feedback is text that is shown after a quiz has been attempted. By specifying additional grade boundaries (as a percentage) the text shown can depend on the grade obtained. To remove a grade boundary leave the values blank.
  • Hidden to Users - The Quiz activity will be hidden to users if this toggle is switched on.
  • Icon - Select an icon to be displayed.
  • Course Completion Prerequisite
    • Always available - the Quiz activity will always be available.
    • Only available if the user has a previous completion in this course - the Quiz activity will not be accessible unless a user has a previously completed the course.
    • Not available if the user has a previous completion in this course - the Quiz activity will not be accessible if the user has previously completed the course.
  • Activity Prerequisites - Activity prerequisites allow you to define which other activities in the Course must be completed before this activity can be accessed by users. If a prerequisite is hidden to a user for any reason they will not be required to complete it before accessing this activity.
  • Completion Criteria - This field dictates what a user must achieve to be marked as complete for the Quiz activity.


3. Create the Quiz activity by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-04-20_at_1.57.25_pm.png at the bottom of the page. Or update the Quiz activity by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-04-20_at_2.26.05_pm.png.


4. Open the Quiz and click "EDIT QUIZ" to start adding questions.

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5. To add a question, click "Add" then select "+ a new question".



6. Select a question type and then click Screen_Shot_2022-04-22_at_1.16.53_pm.png. The question types are as follows:

  • Multiple Choice - Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.
  • True/False - A simple form of multiple choice question with just the two choices 'True' and 'False'.
  • Matching - The answer to each of a number of sub-question must be selected from a list of possibilities.
  • Short Answer - Allows a response of one or a few words that is graded by comparing against various model answers, which may contain wildcards.
  • Numerical - Allows a numerical response, possibly with units, that is graded by comparing against various model answers, possibly with tolerances.
  • Essay - Allows a response of a file upload and/or online text. This must then be graded manually.
  • All-or-Nothing Multiple Choice - Allows the selection of multiple responses from a pre-defined list and uses all-or-nothing grading (100% or 0%).
  • Calculated - Calculated questions are like numerical questions but with the numbers used selected randomly from a set when the quiz is taken.
  • Calculated Multiple Choice - Calculated multichoice questions are like multichoice questions which choice elements can include formula results from numeric values that are selected randomly from a set when the quiz is taken.
  • Calculated Simple - A simpler version of calculated questions which are like numerical questions but with the numbers used selected randomly from a set when the quiz is taken.
  • Drag and Drop into Text - Missing words in the question text are filled in using drag and drop.
  • Drag and Drop Markers - Markers are dragged and dropped onto a background image.
  • Drag and Drop into Image - Images or text labels are dragged and dropped into drop zones on a background image.
  • Embedded Answers - Questions of this type are very flexible, but can only be created by entering text containing special codes that create embedded multiple-choice, short answers and numerical questions.
  • Random Short-Answer Matching - Like a Matching question, but created randomly from the short answer questions in a particular category.
  • Select Missing Words - Missing words in the question text are filled in using drop-down menus.
  • Description - This is not actually a question. Instead it is a way to add some instructions, rubric or other content to the activity.


7. Fill out the question, answers, feedback, and other settings. Then click Screen_Shot_2022-04-26_at_9.01.17_am.png at the bottom of the page.



8. Test the Quiz by going to the front page of the Quiz and clicking Screen_Shot_2022-04-26_at_9.19.30_am.png.


Note: Admin users cannot complete the Quiz activity. If you want to test if the Quiz is functioning as intended please login as, or impersonate, a normal user.


You have now successfully configured a Quiz Activity! :)

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