How to create an Assignment Activity How to create an Assignment Activity

How to create an Assignment Activity

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Creating an Assignment

This article will teach you how to configure and grade an Assignment activity.

1. Navigate to a Course > Click theScreenshot 2023-09-01 at 2.09.33 PM.png > Start Editing > Create Activity Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 10.19.38 AM.png.

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2. Select 'Assignment' from the Activity Type dropdown menu.


3. Fill in the required fields and configure the settings:

  • Assignment Name (Required) - The title of the Assignment activity.
  • Assignment Description (Required) - The description of the Assignment activity.
  • Show Description - The description will be displayed if this toggle is switched on.
  • Availability Settings - Define an opening date, due date and cut-off date.
  • Submission Type Settings - Select online text and/or file submission.
  • Feedback Type Settings - Select feedback comments and/or feedback files.
  • Submission Settings - Select the submission method and define re-attempt permissions.
  • Notification Settings - Configure the notifications that facilitators and students receive.
  • Grade Settings - Define the grade type, maximum grade, grading method, grade to pass and other grading options.
  • Hidden to Users - The Quiz activity will be hidden to end users if this toggle is switched on.
  • Icon - You are able to select an icon to be displayed against the activity.
  • Course Completion Prerequisite
    • Always available - the Quiz activity will always be available.
    • Only available if the user has a previous completion in this course - the Quiz activity will not be accessible unless a user has a previously completed the course.
    • Not available if the user has a previous completion in this course - the Quiz activity will not be accessible if the user has previously completed the course.
  • Activity Prerequisites - Activity prerequisites allow you to define which other activities in the Course must be completed before this activity can be accessed by users. If a prerequisite is hidden to a user for any reason they will not be required to complete it before accessing this activity.
  • Completion Criteria - This field dictates what a user must achieve to be marked as complete for the Quiz activity.


4. Create the Assignment activity by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-04-20_at_1.57.25_pm.png at the bottom of the page. Or update the Assignment activity by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-04-20_at_2.26.05_pm.png.


5. To check the submissions, open the Assignment activity and click Screen_Shot_2022-04-26_at_12.00.39_pm.png.

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6. To grade Assignments, click the Screen_Shot_2022-04-26_at_1.21.17_pm.png button on the Assignment homepage or on the submission page.


7. Once marked, click Screen_Shot_2022-04-26_at_1.29.32_pm.png. Or click Screen_Shot_2022-04-26_at_1.29.43_pm.png to continue marking other submissions.


You have now successfully configured and graded an Assignment activity! :)

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