Create a Custom Certificate Create a Custom Certificate

Create a Custom Certificate

Permanently deleted user Permanently deleted user

This guide will teach you how to create a custom certificate. Custom certificates can be automatically awarded to user on the completion of a Course. Read this article to learn how to add certificates to a Course.


1. Navigate to the 'Custom Certificates' page by clicking Admin > Course Management > Custom Certificates.




2. Create a new certificate by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.37.29_pm.png.


3. Download "Example 1" under 'Example Certificate Templates'.




4. Open the "Example 1" file in Microsoft Word. Add new images, edit the text and customise the certificate to your liking.


5. Add these fields to the Word document to autogenerate text in the certificate: 

  • ${FIRSTNAME} - The user's first name.
  • ${LASTNAME} - The user's last name.
  • ${FULLNAME} - The user's full name.
  • ${CONTENTNAME} - The Course name.
  • ${COMPLETIONDATE} - The date of completion.
  • ${COMPLETIONEXPIRYDATE} - The expiry date of the completion. This will be based off the Course's Workflow.
  • Custom User Fields - Write a User Field in the same formate to generate them in the certificate (ie. ${Internal/External} or ${Position}).


6. Upload the Word file by dropping it into the 'Certificate Template' field or by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-04-06_at_3.02.48_pm.png.




7. Add a "Name" and then save by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.37.29_pm.png.




You have now successfully created a custom certificate! You will now need to add the certificate to a Course.

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