HomePage Widgets HomePage Widgets

HomePage Widgets

Daniel Jordan Daniel Jordan

This article will guide Admin's through the different types of Widgets that can be created on the HomePage Dashboard.

Each widget has a different purpose and can be utilised in many ways. Using multiple widgets on the homepage can provide users fast and easy access to content, and also display relevant information regarding the use of Acorn. 

Below is a list and a brief description of each widget that can be added to the homepage dashboard.


Screen_Shot_2022-05-18_at_12.29.36_pm.png Calendar Widget

The Calendar widget shows available and upcoming registered Live Learning Sessions. A user can select a session from the calendar to view the session details and register. 


Screen_Shot_2022-05-17_at_3.43.26_pm.png Content Link

The Content Link widget provides a direct link to a specific Course, Live Learning or Program. When the user clicks the content link widget it will navigate them to the selected piece of content. 


Screen_Shot_2022-05-17_at_3.45.22_pm.png  Image Block

The Image Block widget allows you to place an image on the dashboard. This image can be uploaded directly from your files, or selected from the Pexels image library. URL's can also be attached to the image, similar to the content link.


Screen_Shot_2022-05-17_at_3.47.01_pm.pngLink Block

The Link Block widget can be utilised to place URL links on the dashboard. This widget requires a URL to be functional. You can select an Icon from the icon library if necessary. There is also the option for the link to open in a new tab.


Screen_Shot_2022-05-17_at_3.49.29_pm.png  Slider

The Slider widget allows for a slideshow of images, text, and videos on the dashboard. The slide timing can be adjusted by seconds. A 'Read More' function can also be included that can link to a specific URL.


Screen_Shot_2022-05-17_at_4.08.50_pm.png Text Block

The Text Block widget is a simple text box that displays a title and a text body. The text can also be split into columns if necessary. 


Screen_Shot_2022-05-18_at_12.29.36_pm.pngMy Compliance Calendar

The Compliance Calendar provides a view of content completion due date's and expiries for the current month.


Screen_Shot_2022-05-17_at_3.58.30_pm.pngMy Recent Activity

The Recent Activity widget provides an overview of the users most recent activity on Acorn. 


Screen_Shot_2022-05-18_at_12.30.15_pm.pngMy Stats

The My Stats widget provides the total number of Activities completed, Courses completed and Sessions attended.


Screen_Shot_2022-05-18_at_12.30.01_pm.pngMy Recent Enrolments

The Recent Enrolments widget provides a list of the users most recent course enrolments. A user can click the course name to view the course.


Screen_Shot_2022-05-17_at_3.55.50_pm.pngMy Recent Usage Chart

The Recent Usage Chart widget provides a monthly overview of course completions and session registrations. You can disable the animation feature by editing the widget setting using the pencil icon.


Screen_Shot_2022-05-17_at_3.54.45_pm.pngProgram Compliance Checklist

The Program Compliance Checklist provides a list of the completion status of each course included in a select program. 


Screen_Shot_2022-05-18_at_12.30.41_pm.pngUpcoming Registered Sessions

The Upcoming Registered Sessions widget provides a list of upcoming Live Learning sessions that you have registered for. 


Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 1.14.05 pm.png Pending Momentum

This widget displays momentum applications that have been assigned to the user. User can access their pending applications through this widget.


Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 1.18.45 pm.png Top Learners by Content Completions.

This widget displays the Top 5 learners by Content Completion. This is displayed by a horizontal bar graph.




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1 comment

  • Regan M

    Can you please update this article with information about the Recommended Content block that was released in Jan 2023?

    Regan M