This article will provide Admin's an overview of the different types of Reporting Widgets that can be used on the Reporting Dashboard.
Each widget has a different purpose and can be utilised in many ways. Using multiple widgets on the dashboard can provide Reporting Officers fast and easy access to data about the users and content they have visibility over.
Below is a list and a brief description of each widget that can be added to the reporting dashboard.
Content Link
The Content Link widget provides a direct link to a specific Course, Live Learning or Program. When the Reporting Officer clicks the content link widget it will navigate them to the selected piece of content.
Image Block
The Image Block widget allows you to place an image on the dashboard. This image can be uploaded directly from your files, or selected from the Pexels image library. URL's can also be attached to the image, similar to the content link.
Link Block
The Link Block widget can be utilised to place URL links on the dashboard. This widget requires a URL to be functional. You can select an Icon from the icon library if necessary. There is also the option for the link to open in a new tab.
Text Block
The Text Block widget is a simple text box that displays a title and a text body. The text can also be split into columns if necessary.
Active Users by Role
The Active users by role widget provides the total number of users that are assigned each role. The colour of the display can by changed by clicking the pencil icon.
The following roles are displayed:
- User
- Administrator
- Supervisor
Content Completion by User Field
The Content Completion by User Field widget allows you to view the amount of content completed by users grouped by User Field.
Click the pencil icon to select the user field.
Please note - Only one user field can be selected at one time.
Content Participation
The Content Participation widget provides a line graph showing the content participation on the tenancy.
Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to adjust the following settings:
- Metric
- Content Completion
- Session Attendance
- Course Enrolment
- Time Frame
- 7 Days
- 30 Days
- 90 Days
- 365 Days
- All Time
- Colour
- Cohorts
Course Participants
The Course Participants widget displays the number of enrolments and completions that have occurred across all courses.
Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to adjust the following settings:
- Time Frame
- 7 Days
- 30 Days
- 90 Days
- 365 Days
- All Time
- Colour
Course Progress by Status
The Course Progress by Status widget provides a pie graph that displays the progress of all user in a particular course broken down by completion status (Not Enrolled, Enrolled, In Progress or Completed).
Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to adjust the following settings:
- Course
- Cohorts
Program Compliance
The Program Compliance widget provides the over compliance status for a program.
Please note - The data for this widget is calculated each hour due to the large amount of data that requires to be sorted. Subsequent changes will require the widget to be recalculated, so it is advised to ensure the widget settings are correctly configured.
Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to adjust the following settings:
- Programs
- Cohorts
- Colour
Session Attendance by User Field
The Session Attendance widget displays the amount of Live Learning sessions attended by users grouped by User Field.
Please note - Only one user field can be selected at one time.
Stats Box
The Stats Box widget allows you to display a general statistic relevant to the tenancy.
Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to adjust the following settings:
- Statistic
- Unique User Logins
- Available Content
- Average Content Completed per User
- Average Activities Completed per User
- Time Frame
- 7 Days
- 30 Days
- 90 Days
- 365 Days
- All Time
- Cohort
- Widget Colour
Top 5 Courses
The Top 5 widget provides a bar graph that displays the top 5 courses by enrolment or completion.
Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to adjust the following settings:
- Metric
- Course Enrolments
- Course Completions
- Time Frame
- 7 Days
- 30 Days
- 90 Days
- 365 Days
- All Time
- Cohort
- Colour
Top Learners by Content Completion
The Top Learners widget provides a bar graph that displays the top five learners determined by the amount of content they have completed in a specified time frame.
Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to adjust the following settings:
- Time Frame
- 7 Days
- 30 Days
- 90 Days
- 365 Days
- All Time
- Cohorts
Users Without Course Enrolments
The Users without Course Enrolments widget will display a list of users that have not enrolled into any course.
Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to adjust the following settings:
- Cohorts
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