Manage Tenancy Aliases Manage Tenancy Aliases

Manage Tenancy Aliases

Permanently deleted user Permanently deleted user

This guide will teach Admins how to manage tenancy aliases. Please contact support if you are unable to find the Self Registration feature in your Admin tab.

When a user self-registers for an Acorn site with multiple tenancies, the tenancies' names could potential confuse a user. Tenancy aliases can be used to display an alternative name for a tenancy to assist self-registering users in determining which tenancy to register for.


1. Navigate to the 'Manage Tenancy Aliases' page by clicking Admin > Self Registration > Manage Manage Tenancy Aliases.




2. Add a tenancy alias by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-06-10_at_10.08.01_am.png, selecting a tenancy from the dropdown, and inputting the tenancy alias.


3. Add additional tenancy aliases by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-06-10_at_10.10.17_am.png.


4. Remove tenancy aliases by clicking "REMOVE TENANCY ALIAS".


5. Tenancies can be reordered on the self registration page by reordering them on the 'Manage Tenancy Aliases' page through the 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' options on the right side.


6.Save any changes made by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-06-10_at_10.10.07_am.png at the bottom of the page.



You have now successfully managed tenancy aliases!

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