How to add or remove content tags How to add or remove content tags

How to add or remove content tags

Daniel Jordan Daniel Jordan

This article will guide Administrators through the process of adding and deleting a content tag.

Tags can be utilised to filter for specific content within the Acorn catalogue.

Adding a new tag

1. Navigate to the content you wish to apply your tag to and click the cog icon.

2. Click Update.

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3. Click into the Tags field and type the name of the tag. Press Enter on you keyboard.

4. Click Update Course to save.

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The tags you applied are now able to be applied as filters. Content tags are visible through the details tab on the course interface. You can also view tags that have been assigned to content through a Content Overview Report.


Deleting a tag

Please note - deleting or hiding a tag will also remove/hide it for all content it has been assigned.

1. Navigate to the content you wish to remove the tag from and click the cog icon.

2. Click Update.

3. Click the bin icon to delete the tag. You will be prompted to confirm. Deleting a tag cannot be undone and it will be removed from all content where it is assigned.

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The deleted tag should no longer be visible in the list of tags within the catalogue filter.



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