Venues are where Face to Face Live Learning sessions take place. Each venue has a capacity that carries over to the Live Learning session. Venues cannot be double booked.
Venues created when setting up a session will be shown on the 'Live Learning Venues' page. Admins can also create a new venue on this page which can be selected when setting up a session.
View, create or update a Live Learning venue:
1. Navigate to the 'Live Learning Venues' page by clicking Admin > Live Learning Management > Live Learning Venues.
2. View all existing venues on this page. Open a venue to view the past and future sessions held at the venue.
3. Create a venue by clicking "+ CREATE VENUE", filling out the venue address and capacity, then confirm by clicking "CREATE VENUE".
You can choose from International venues for Country/State outside of Australia like New Zealand, Canada and the United States.
A global timezone selector is present. This timezone selector aids Administrators and Facilitators when creating a session. You can ensure the session start and end times are local to the venue.
Tip: Venues can be shared across tenancies by turning on the "Open Venue" toggle. This option is only available to Acorn Admins.
4. Update an existing venue by opening the venue and clicking the icon.
5. Delete a venue by opening the venue and clicking the icon.
You have now successfully viewed, created and update a Live Learning venue!
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