Move Users between Tenancies Move Users between Tenancies

Move Users between Tenancies

Permanently deleted user Permanently deleted user


Users can register or be placed into the wrong tenancy by accident. The steps below will guide an Acorn Admin in moving a user from one tenancy to another.


1. Navigate to the 'Browse and Update Tenancies' page by clicking Admin > Tenancy Management > Browse and Update Tenancies.


2. Remove the user from the tenancy they are currently in by:

  • Clicking the Screen_Shot_2022-04-12_at_4.58.56_pm.png icon attached to the tenancy
  • Selecting the user
  • And, clicking CONFIRM_icon.png


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3. Add the user to the tenancy they should be in by:

  • Clicking the Screen_Shot_2022-04-12_at_4.48.25_pm.png icon attached to the tenancy
  • Selecting the user
  • And, clicking CONFIRM_icon.png


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You have now successfully moved a user between tenancies!

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