Creating Discounts Creating Discounts

Creating Discounts

Stefan Maletic Stefan Maletic

Discounts is a new feature we have added into our LMS that enables Admin to discount the prices of select Courses! This feature is super handy to use on Cohorts or different levels of staff.

If you are interested in Discounts, please follow the guide bellow to set them up.

1. From your Tenancy Homepage, click on the following items. Admin > Payments > Discounts.

2. On the Discounts page, you will have two categories: Tenancy Discounts and Shared Discounts.

If you would like to know more on Tenancy Discounts vs. Shared Discounts, please click here.



3. Once you've selected which Discount you would like to use, click 'Create Discount'.

4. Once in the pop-up menu, give your discount a Name and Code. You can acquire a code by clicking' Generate Discount Code'.

5. You will have the option to 'Auto Apply To Eligible Users'. 

  • Unticked - When the checkbox is left unticked, the users who have access to this discount will have to specifically use the code generated to apply the discount.
  • Ticked - When the checkbox is ticked, the users who have access to the discount will not need the code. The discount will be automatically applied to the price.

6. Set the discount type, amount, and when you want the discount to take effect. If you're unsure on Discount Types, please click this link.

7. You also have the option to restrict to Cohorts and select which courses you want the discount to apply to.

8. Click on 'Create Discount'.


You have now successfully created a Discount!

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