What's New!
AR-3094: Bulk Upload for Content Completions
New interface to bulk upload completions.
- Bulk upload a CSV Completions of Live Learnings and Courses.
- Set completion dates and times.
- Upload the completion and create new content simultaneously (for content that does not exist already).
- Download an example CSV to fill out a template.
- Course Enrolment upload and Session Registration Upload are also in the works!
Admins can find bulk uploads for content completions under Tenancy Management > Upload Content Completion.
What's Changed
AR-3145: Catalogue filters speed improvements
As we continue to make performance tweaks to the Catalogue, we had to slightly change some of the filters to improve performance on loading the All Filters.
AR-3138: Bake accessibility hover into Interest, Focused and Assigned Icons
Added accessibility hover tooltips on Capability Interest, Focused and Assigned icons.
AR-3133: Cross-Tenancy Facilitators
We added support for cross-tenancy facilitators.
- Facilitators can now be assigned to Open Courses
- Receiving Tenancies of shared content can be assigned as facilitators of the content (by Acorn Administrators)
- Added ability to swap into another tenant and facilitate content in another tenancy
AR-3125: Update Re-Enrol Text
The re-enrolment help text has been updated for more clarity. This get's displayed before a user Re-Enrols in a piece of content.
AR-2982: Momentum - Transition Re-Order Remove Draggable and Add in Arrows Instead
When editing a Momentum node, we've changed how to re-order the transitions; we removed the dragging functionality and replaced it with up and down arrows.
AR-2933: Cohort Field Conditions - Support Multi-Select
Added support for Multi-Select fields for Cohort Field Conditions.
- Choose Contains or Not Contains as options in the multi-select field
- To add multiple options of a multi-select field as field conditions, add the field multiple times.
AR-2542: Refresher Workflow Cut-off Date
You can now set completions to expire regardless of the refresh period. Use the Cut Off Date to set completions to expire at a specified date.
As an example:
Everyone has to refresh every 12 months or if your completion is older than 12/10/2022.
AR-2467: Customising Workflow email subject lines
Added support to edit email subjects on Workflow email templates.
Bug Fixes
AR-3084: Copy Session - Registration Form Issue
Registration forms were not correctly copied when copying a session. This was unclear in reporting because you could not tell which session the form was related to. Registration Forms will now copy without issue when copying a session.
AR-3150: Mark All Attended button works when the session has not yet started
When marking session attendance, the Mark All Attended button was not disabled when the session had not started. We've now disabled the button for sessions that have not started.
AR-3121: Program Stages - "Cohort View As" Fix
You can view programs as different cohorts as an admin using the Cohort View As filter. We fixed an issue that would cause admins to be kicked back to the program's first stage if they attempted to navigate to another stage using the Cohort View As filter.
AR-3160: Add loading spinner to video and resource modal to prevent failed render
We added loading indications when first opening Videos and Resources to prevent them from breaking whilst loading.
AR-3098: Star rating question accessibility
Made the Star Rating question on feedback forms and quizzes WCAG accessible.
AR-3205: Missing fields in Payment Report
Reinstated fields specific to payment providers that were missing in the Payment Report.
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