1.2.4 - 19 April 2023 1.2.4 - 19 April 2023

1.2.4 - 19 April 2023

Theo Lionis Theo Lionis

Double Release

The upcoming 1.2.4 release will be available with the 1.2.3 release, making it a double release with even more features and enhancements. Get ready for an extra-packed release!

Release 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 will be rolling out across sites from  Sunday 16th to Wednesday 19th, April 2023


Release - 1.2.4

Changes ✨

AR-3453: Re-enrol course message

The re-enrol onto a course message has been updated to improve the clarity for users.

AR-3709: Capability Assessment - Supervisor detail in history modal

When viewing your Capability Assessment history, it will now display the supervisor that conducted the assessment.

AR-3733: Capability Assessment - Rating History Show Assigned Always

We have updated the display of Capability Assessments in the Rating History section for users. Previously, if a user had not made any assessments, the Rating History chart and table were not visible.

However, with our new update, if a user is assigned at least some capabilities, they will be able to view their Rating History for the assigned capabilities. This change ensures that users can view where they need to be even if they have not assessed any capabilities.

AR-3743: Capability Assessment - Question Dependency

Added support for question dependency for Capability Assessments.

AR-3746: Email Subject character limit

A character limit for email subjects has been added to match what is most widely supported by Email Clients. The character limit is 255 characters. 

AR-3764: Performance enhancement to loading My Momentum Applications

The loading speed of a user's Momentum Application list has been enhanced.

AR-3865: WYSIWYG Upgrade

We've upgraded the WYSIWYG editor for better support and a fresh new look. Edit away with ease and style!


Bug Fixes🐞

AR-3671: Email Logs show different records when the user swaps tenancy

Fixed an issue where Acorn Administrators would see different emails logged when swapping tenancy.

AR-3676: Course Completion from sub-course activity needs a refresh

Improved the consistency of a course displaying as complete without needing to refresh the page when a sub-course activity is completed.

AR-3711: Activity completion status still shows in resource/video modals when activity completion is disabled

The completion status of Resource and Video activities was still displayed when you opened them, even if the completion setting was disabled. Now if completions are disabled, the status will not be displayed on Resources and Videos.

AR-3829: Content Completion Report - Empty Pie Chart

Fixed an issue that was causing the pie chart to be empty in a Content Completion Report.

AR-3830: Update Filters in Reporting Meta

When expanding a Past Report to view the detail, more detailed information is now listed about the report that was run.

AR-3832: Capability Assessment - Misc Fixes

A range of minor Capability Assessment fixes. 

AR-3836: Error when trying to create Stripe Payment Method without an API key

Added better error handling when trying to create a Stripe Payment Method without specifying the API Key first.

AR-3842: Hyperlink cutting off when adding session link in the calendar attachment

Fixed an issue where sometimes hyperlinks would not be properly generated in the Calendar Attachment description.

AR-3867: UI Bug viewing achievements on the course

When clicking on a badge on a course, the "View Achievement" text was longer than the button. The text now correctly fits in the button. 

AR-3872: Supervisor Cohort not Assigning Correctly from Bulk User Upload

Fixed an issue that was causing Supervisor Cohorts to not assign the correct users from a Bulk User Upload. 

AR-3875: Custom fields builder Multi Select Field

Fixed an issue with attempting to update Multi-Select fields in Manage Custom Fields. When trying to edit one of the Options, it would overwrite a different Option. It will now update the Option you selected.

AR-3928: Reporting Chart - Double Bar Chart

Fixed an issue that was causing bar charts to be duplicated. 


Hotfixes 🛠

AR-3947: Content completion report filters not allowing different types.

We resolved a problem where the content type filters were mistakenly removing content that belonged to a different type, even though the user had selected it.

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