Momentum Constants Momentum Constants

Momentum Constants

Stefan Maletic Stefan Maletic

This article will delve into what 'Constants' are within a Momentum Workflow.

You will have noticed as a Momentums Workflow Admin that when you enter the 'Builder' page of a workflow, there will be a tab labelled 'Go To Constants'.




Constants are placeholders within a Workflow. These can be placeholders for users, managers, form responses, and a set time.


There are three Constant types and several sub-types in each of those. These are all described below:


Constant Types:

Type 1: User

There are 4 Subtypes with the 'User' Type and they will dictate which user is assigned what role in the Workflow Application.

These subtypes range from an Application Owner, Direct Manager, Static User, or a user selected within a Form Response.


1. Application Owner

  • The Application Owner will be the user who starts the Application. This Constant is automatically allocated and does not require further configuration.

2. Direct Manager

  • The Direct Manager Constant will be the Supervisor/ Manager assigned to the user via Bulk Uploads, HR Feeds, or an API.

3. Static User

  • The Static User Constant can be any one user assigned to the constant. They can be any user within Acorn LMS in that Tenancy.

4. User Form Response

  • The User Form Response will extract the user from our 'User Selector' field within a Form.

The 'User Selector' field will provide a drop-down menu of all users within that Tenancy in a Form and allow the Assignee to select which user they would like to fill this role.



Type 2: Response

There is 1 Subtype within the 'Response' Type. The Response Constant will use the information provided in a Form Response to lead the Application through specific Transitions.

The Response type also allows for Reporting on each Response provided by a user in a Form.



1. Form Response

  • The Form Response Constant is specifically useful for Transitions. When setting a Form Response Constant, you are required to select which Node and which Field within the form you are extracting information from.

E.g. Once set, this Constant can be used within an 'Equals' Transition to follow a Parameter like:{User Form Response Constant} = 'Manager Does Not Approve'.

This will pull the Application through to the 'Manager Does Not Approve' Transition instead of proceeding to the next stage.

More on Transitions here.



Type 3: Date

The 'Date' Type will be used in conjunction with the 'Time' Transition to set a timed schedule based on how the Constant is made.

There are 2 Subtypes within the 'Time' Type, these include:



1. Form Response

  • The 'Form Response' Subtype will get its information specifically from a 'Date Picker' Field within a Form. This allows the user to select a date and for that date to be used in this Constant which then is used for a Transition.

2. Static Date

  • The 'Static Date' Subtype will allow the creator of this Constant to select a single date on which the Transition is based. This will be used within a 'Time' Transition to prompt when Applications are allowed through.

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1 comment

  • Donna Sloan

    Need more info on the constant type such as the type Course

    Donna Sloan