Creating a Capability Library with a template Creating a Capability Library with a template

Creating a Capability Library with a template

Geordie Yang Geordie Yang

What are capabilities? 

A 'Business Capability' describes the skills, knowledge, processes, systems and other resources an organization possesses which allows them to achieve their strategic goals, objectives and business functions.

How do we set them up?

Firstly, we’ll need to setup our Capabilities Library.

In this article we will proceed with a template. The template will have preset capability sets and proficiency levels, these can be edited or deleted for your businesses specific use cases. We will then map the capabilities to content, and assign the content to a specific cohort. 


Proceed to Admin > Capability dashboard > Setup Capability Library > Select a Capability template.

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Edit Capability Sets 

The template of capability sets have been laid out. Add, edit or delete the capability sets to fit your businesses use case. 

  • Capability sets are groups/categories of capabilities.
  • The provided capability set names and descriptions are editable.
  • Within the template you can add a new set if you want a new grouping of capabilities.

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Edit Capabilities 

To edit the Capability: click on the Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 10.42.54 AM.png below the capability > select Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 10.48.00 AM.png > edit the capability description and proficiency levels.

  • Capability name, description and proficiency levels are editable on this page.

Once you have finished reviewing the Capabilities. Click Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 11.13.40 AM.png to complete setting up the capability library.

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Adding Capabilities to Content 

Capabilities dashboard > Add capabilities to content > Select Capabilities > Select Content > Confirm

  • This page is used to bulk assign Capabilities to content
  • This is where you link learning to performance

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Mapping Capabilities to Cohorts

Capabilities dashboard > Map Capabilities to your cohorts Select Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 10.42.54 AM.png under the cohort > click  Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 11.39.36 AM.png > Add capabilities to the cohort

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You are now ready to launch your capabilities Library :)

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