Improved payment feature, more international support, currencies, and taxes!
UPDATE: This has been released ahead of schedule due to a payment system service degradation. This has been released on sites from Thursday 7th, September 2023
Learn more here: Temporary Payment System Issue
Release - 1.3.8
What's New! 🎊
AR-3607 | International Payments
We've significantly improved the payment feature, expanding support for international payments, currencies, and sales taxes. This includes updates to
- UI enhancements to the checkout
- New and improved receipt
- Display currency in more of the payment interfaces
- NEW Tax Methods to control tax rates and how taxes are applied to your payments. We also have a new integration for Avalara AvaTax.
- NEW Payments Dashboard for a glance at recent transactions, refunds as well as manage your payments
- NEW Additional payment settings to set default currencies and sales taxes on your payments.
You can find the full post with all the changes and payment improvements here. Payments Feature Update →
Bug Fixes 🐞
AR-4250 | Momentum Timeline - Styling
Fixed styling issues with the Momentum Timeline
AR-4354 | Live Learning activity manual completion marking doesn't save the correct date
Fixed an issue where manually marking Live Learning activities as complete would show the current time instead of the selected time.
AR-4358 | Add indicator to user table when the user is pending self-registration approval
When browsing and updating users, it was unclear that pending self-registration users would also be listed. We've added an indicator to inform administrators that the user is pending approval from a self-registration.
AR-4360 | Live Learning Session Refund Receipt
Fixed an issue where the incorrect receipt would be displayed after making consecutive refunds and purchases on a Live Learning.
AR-4438 | Scheduled Legacy Reports are deactivated when they fail to run
We found some old reports that have been removed from the system that still had schedules running. These have been deactivated.
AR-4489 | Removing timezone from session error
Fixed an issue causing an error if you tried to remove the timezone from a session.
AR-4491 | Scheduled Report fails to run when the schedule is set incorrectly
Fixed an issue that was causing Scheduled reports to fail to run when the schedule was set up poorly (like if the hour was missing).
AR-4636 | Fix partnered content tile in training history
Fixed a UI issue with the partnered content tile in the training history.
Hot Fixes 🛠️
AR-4727 | Unable to apply payments on content
Fixed an issue blocking the ability for payments to be added to content.
AR-4714 | Payment dashboard displaying incorrect recent transactions
Fixed an issue where sometimes the payment would list incorrect recent transactions (either not recent or displayed incorrect transaction date).
AR-4705 | Payment dashboard fixes
Fixed various minor bugs with the payment dashboard.
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