Release 1.4.1 - 23 October 2023 Release 1.4.1 - 23 October 2023

Release 1.4.1 - 23 October 2023

Theo Lionis Theo Lionis

International Languages (closed beta), Momentum activities in live learning, bug fixes!

Version 1.4.1 will be available from Sunday 22nd, October 2023

Release - 1.4.1

What's New! 🎊

International Languages (Closed Beta)

We have some great news to share with you! Our team has been working hard on multi-language support, and we are thrilled to announce that the first stage of our closed beta program for this feature will be launching soon with the release of version 1.4.1. We will be starting with two languages - Spanish and Vietnamese.

Those interested can get in touch with us to learn more about how to participate; contact us!

Changes ✨

AR-4647 | Live learning time started when requesting registration approval

A user's started time for live learnings will now only be recorded when learners register or start an activity instead of when they send a registration request.

AR-4693 | Avalara - include request in logs

Added details about tax calculation requests to the Avalara logs.

AR-4720 | Momentum activity in live learnings

Added support for Momentum activities in live learnings.

Bug Fixes 🐞

AR-4510 | API returns custom content fields of type date as epoch

Fixed an issue where custom content date fields were displaying in epoch format instead of ISO format.

AR-4520 | Refunds in incorrect tenancy on shared content

Fixed an issue where refunds on shared content would be listed in the tenancy of the purchaser rather than the tenant that owns the content. 

AR-4706 | Avalara crashes checkout with invalid NA addresses

Fixed an issue that would cause the checkout to crash if the learner entered certain North American billing addresses that did not have a postcode. 

AR-4707 | Unable to load training history if content was accessed with payment whitelist

Fixed an issue that was causing learners not to be able to view their training history if they had enrolled/registered in content that they received for free from the result of being in a payment whitelist cohort. 

AR-4715 | Course log not accurate

Fixed an issue where some course logs were displayed on the wrong course

AR-4716 | Partnered content preview not showing tags and categories

Fixed an issue where partnered content was not showing tags and categories. 

AR-4717 | Registration fixes with payments

Fixed a couple of issues around live learning and payments. 

  • Users who registered to live learnings for free via a payment whitelist cohort can now withdraw themselves from the session.
  • Users who have paid for a session can now request a refund at any time, even if an admin or facilitator has withdrawn them. 

AR-4792 | Can't edit quiz activities in live learnings

Fixed an issue that was sometimes causing quizzes in live learnings to be uneditable.

AR-4512 | Deleted integrations don't disappear the first time

Previously, you had to refresh your page to see that your integration had been deleted. Now, when you delete the integration, it will be unlisted immediately.

AR-4685 | Slider widget heading

Change the heading of the slider widget from H1 to H2.



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