How to Build a Momentum How to Build a Momentum

How to Build a Momentum

Geordie Yang Geordie Yang

Building a Momentum Workflow

In this article we will teach you how to build a simple momentum workflow from start to finish.


In this example we are going to build a External Training Request workflow. The workflow will start with a user filling out an application form (Form Node). Once the form is completed by the user, a confirmation email will be sent to the user (Email Node), and a email will be sent to their manager (Email Node) notifying them and allowing the manager to view the users form submission. The manager will now complete their own form to approve or deny the users Training (Form Node). An email will then be sent to the user that their submission was approved or denied (Email Nodes). We will then end the application with a Terminal Node.


1. Proceed to Admin > Momentum > + New Momentum.

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Fill in the New Momentum details:

  • Momentum Title - Title of the momentum that will be displayed on the Momentum dashboard.
  • Momentum Shortname - A shortened version of the momentum title.
  • Select Admin User - Select a backup user that will also receive notifications/emails if at any stage during the workflow there is an email that is not able to be delivered to the user, this admin can reassign the form submission. You can only select one user to be the the backup user for the momentum.
  • Click Save - Once you've completed the momentum details, and you will be redirected to the Momentum dashboard. 

2. Momentum Dashboard > ClickScreenshot 2023-11-23 at 11.33.45 AM.png on the Momentum > Click Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 11.34.51 AM.png > Click Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 11.41.16 AM.png.2023-11-23 11.39.40.gif

Creating the Momentum:

The following steps will involve dragging Nodes from the control panel into the Momentum Builder.


Start with the Form Node. 

  • Click and drag the Form node into the builder.
  • Double click on the Form Node to fill in the Form's details.

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Fill in the Form's details:

Node Title - This is the title of the form. It is displayed at the top of each form to users when completing their submission. Typically for the first form you should put 'Application Form', as it is the start of the application

Node Status - This label will allow users and momentum administrators identify where the application is up to. Being that this is the start of the momentum, New Application is a good example of what to put here.

Stages - Is a way of grouping forms that are in a similar stage of the application. 

Ex. New application - the learner submits a form and a manager will go in and submit their own form for the learner, but both forms are in the new application phase. So we will group the two forms in the same stage. 

By default there will be no stages, first click 'Edit Stages' to add a stage.  Then assign the 'New Application' to the stage.  

Edit Stages - Click 'Add Stage'. Then write 'New Application' that will be used in the first stage. Make sure to click save. Note: Multiple forms can be assigned to a single stage, this can make it easier for users, they will have all the forms available on one page. 

Assignee - If this is the first momentum you are building, you will need to visit the constants page.

What is a Constant?

  •  Constants are created to determine the users within a workflow. They are also used for reporting on responses within forms, and determining transitions between nodes.
    • In this workflow, we will require a constant for the following users:

      Application Owner - User who is submitting the form/creating the application.

      Manager/Supervisor - User who is required to review the user submission and determine the outcome.

  • Add New Constant:
    • Constant Title -  Application owner, which is the person who starts the application, in this example it will be an end user in Acorn.
    • Type - Select 'users' this refers to a user in Acorn, and is used in many places such as assigning users to components such as forms. 
    • Subtype - Select 'Application Owner' this will retrieve the user that created the application. 

Edit Form - Clicking 'edit form' will pop up the form page. You may want to..

  • Add Instructional Text for instructions on how to fill out/complete the rest of the form.
  • Add File Upload to give your users a file drop for their external training.
  • Add Signature to confirm they have finished the required external training.

For more help on creating a form refer to How to Create a Form.


Add a Email Node.

  • Click and drag the Email node into the builder.
  • Double click on the Email Node to fill in the Email's details.

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Fill in the Email's details:

  • The first email node will be a confirmation of submission email that will be sent back to the user.

Node Title - Add where the email is going to, this example will be 'Emailing to User - Confirmation of submission'

Node Status - Copy and Paste the title to the node status. This will help you in troubleshooting purposes, you will easily be able to know what this email's function is. In this case, emailing to a user that their submission has been confirmed.

Recipient - Determine who will receive the email. If this is your first time building a momentum, you will need to click the link to the constants page, and add a new constant.

    • Constant Title - Application Owner or User/Learners - Referring to the user that started the application
    • Type - Users
    • Subtype - Application Owner - Retrieves the user that created the application. 
    • Constant Description - Describe who the constants are. In this example, users.

Subject - Add the title of the Form node (External Training Request). Also add what this email is for (Confirmation of Submission). Example, External Training Request - Confirmation of Submission.

Attachment - If there's a file upload in the form, you can attach it to the email for the recipient of the email to receive. Build a constant to track for the file upload field in the 'Constants' function. 

Email Body - Fill out the email template. You can add a Momentum URL by clicking in the 'Add Fields' dropdown.


Add and Fill in the 2nd Email Node's details:

  • The second email node will be sent to a Manager notifying them of the users submitted form.
  • A link can be made in the email for the manager to view the users form submission.

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Node Title - Add where the email is going to, this example will be Emailing to Manager - Notification of form submission. 

Node Status - Copy and Paste the title to the node status. This will help you in troubleshooting purposes, you will easily be able to know what this email's function is. In this case, emailing to a user that their submission has been confirmed.

Recipient - Determine who will receive the email. If this is your first time building a momentum, you will need to click the link to the constants page. and add a new constant

    • Constant Title - Manager
    • Type - Users
    • Subtype - Direct Manager (This will send an email directly to the users manager), or use 'Static User' and select the users manager that will receive the email.
    • Constant Description - Describe who the constants are. In this example, manager of user.

Subject - Add the title of the Form node (External Training Request). Also add what this email is for (Notification of Form Submission). Example, External Training Request - Notification of Form Submission.

Attachment - If there's a file upload in the form, you can attach it to the email for the recipient of the email to receive. Build a constant to track for the file upload field in the 'Constants' function. 

Email Body - Fill out the email template, and give some instructions to the manager that they will need to fill out the managers form for the user. Click 'Add Fields' to add the Momentum URL to the email. 


Add and Fill in the 2nd Form Node's details:

  • This Form will be the managers response to the Users form.

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Node Title - State what the form's function is. The Second form will be an Manager Approval form 

Node Status - This is what will be displayed for users in the reporting interface. State where the application is up to. Ex. Approval Form.

Stages - If this is your first time building a Momentum, you will need to add a Manager Approval stage, do this by clicking 'edit stages' below, and add 'Manager Approval'

Edit Stages - Click 'Add Stage'. Then write 'Manager Approval' that will be used in the second stage. Make sure to click save. 

Assignee - If this is the first momentum you are building, you will need to visit the constants page.

  • Add New Constant:
    • Constant Title -  Approval Form. 
    • Type - Select 'Response' As this is a pulling data from from the form's response, in our example it will pull a Approved or Denied response
    • Subtype - Select 'Form Response' 
    • Select Node - Select the 'Manager Approval' Node.
    • Select Field - Select the Radio response in the form, this will pull the Approval or Denied response from the managers form.

Edit Form - Clicking 'edit form' will pop up the form page. You may want to..

  • Add Instructional Text for instructions on how to fill out/complete the rest of the form.
  • Add Radio - add a Approved and Denied option to let the user know if the External Training Request has been Approved or Denied.
  • Add Signature to sign off on the approved or denied training request.

For more help on creating a form refer to How to Create a Form.


Add and fill in a Approved Email Node and a Denied Email Node details:

  • Emails will be sent back to the user notifying them of the status of their request.

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Node Title - Add where the email is going to, this example will be Emailing to User -  External Training Request Approved/Denied. 

Node Status - Copy and Paste the title to the node status. This will help you in troubleshooting purposes, you will easily be able to know what this email's function is. In this case, emailing to a user that their submission has been approved or denied.

Recipient - Determine who will receive the email. Select 'Application Owner' 

    • Constant Title - Manager
    • Type - Users
    • Subtype - Direct Manager (This will send an email directly to the users manager), or use 'Static User' and select the users manager that will receive the email.
    • Constant Description - Describe who the constants are. In this example, manager of user.

Subject - Add the title of the Form node (External Training Request). Also add what this email is for (Request Approved/Denied). Example, External Training Request - Request Approved.

Attachment - If there's a file upload in the form, you can attach it to the email for the recipient of the email to receive. Build a constant to track for the file upload field in the 'Constants' function. 

Email Body - Fill out the email template, and notify the user that their training request has been approved or denied, and what their next steps are.


Add a Terminal Node:

  • Add two Terminal Nodes, a request Approved and Denied Node.
  • This will be the end of the application.

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Node Title - This will change what is displayed on the front of the Node. Ex. Request Approved/Denied - End of Application.

Node Status - This is what will be displayed for users in the reporting interface. State where the application is up to. Ex. End of Application.

Stages - If this is your first time building a Momentum, you will need to add a Manager Approval stage, do this by clicking 'edit stages' below, and add 'Manager Approval'

Edit Stages - Click 'Add Stage'. Then write 'Manager Approval' that will be used in the second stage. Make sure to click save.


Creating Transitions between Nodes.

  • Click and drag from the bottom of the node to the top of the next node starting with the Application Node.
  • Click on the line connecting the two nodes if you need to edit or delete the Transition.

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Transition Types:

  • Base - A base Transition is the Default Transition, there is no extra configuring and it will simply lead the application through to the next Node.
  • Equals - tracking a specific response from a form field e.g. Is this application approved Y/N
  • Cron - Schedule a transition on a specific day and time using a Cron string. Please reach out to support for assistance.
  • Time - set a specific time value (days/weeks/months) since a specific event i.e. Application start date, node entered date, application owner creation date, constant date

Transition Name - New Transition - For this example, simply putting 'New Transition' will suffice, if you are getting into more complicated transitions, you may want to describe it's action.


How to Edit Momentum Settings.

  • Click Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 3.33.25 PM.png within the Momentum Builder.

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Fill in the Momentum Settings details:

Momentum Title - The name you give the Workflow, this will be displayed on the dashboard and most pages within the Workflow. Ex. External Training Request

Blurb - Is a short description you give the Momentum. The blurb will be displayed under the momentum title on the momentum dashboard. Ex. Click VIEW to start a new Leadership Program application.

Initial Node - Is the starting point of the Workflow. Here you will be able to select which node you would like the application to start at. In our example, this is the 'Application Form' Node.

Momentum Description - Should describe what the Workflow is for, and can be used to instruct any new Applicants on what steps to take. It will be visible when any user clicks on the Momentum from the Momentum dashboard.

Application Instruction - Admin can Instruct new applicants to name their application under a certain format. This will only be visible in the popup that displays when starting a new application.



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