Language beta updates, content facilitators report, and bulk session attendance upload!
Release - 1.4.4
What's new! 🎊
AR-5122 | Multi-language beta update
Administrators can now set the default language for a tenancy, which will be applied to all newly created users. You'll be able to find this setting from the Admin menu under Tenancy Management > Update Tenancy > Tenancy Language (Beta).
In addition, learners can select their preferred language from the new language shortcut in the footer of your site.
Supported languages include:
- English (Australia)
- English (US)
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- French
View our full list of languages here: Tenancy Language Settings
If you have any feedback or corrections on our supported languages, please let us know by submitting a ticket through our Help Center here: Submit Language Feedback.
AR-4409 | New Report: Content Facilitators
A new report is available; the content facilitator report gives administrators a log of the facilitators in a tenancy. With this report, you will be able to retrieve the following information
- When a user was assigned a facilitator
- The content they were assigned a facilitator to
- Who assigned the user as a facilitator
- When the user was removed as a facilitator (if removed)
AR-4658 | Bulk Session Attendance Upload
We have a new content upload type; you can now manage session attendance with a file upload! This means you can register users and mark attendance for multiple sessions all at once without breaking a sweat.
One thing to note, however, is that you must supply the relevant Session ID to register or mark attendance for a particular session. We are working on making the Session IDs more accessible in the system. For now, here are a couple of methods:
- After running a Live Learning Attendance Report and turning on the Show IDs setting from within the custom fields.
- When viewing a session, click on the share button to view the share link. The last number in a shareable link is the Session ID.
Changes ✨
AR-3751 | Add history tab to bulk upload completions interface
We've also made a couple more enhancements to the content completion interface to complement the Bulk Session attendance upload.
The upload content tab now has all the different types of uploads with
There is now an upload history tab to view all past uploads and their associated logs.
AR-5144 | Make self-assessments commentable if specified
Added support for capability self-assessments to have an additional comment field.
AR-4522 | EOI email facilitator function
Added the option to send an Expression of Interest email to the tenancy support contact or assigned facilitators.
AR-4818 | Tenancy Swap - Quick Refresh
We improved the tenancy swap function to keep you on the same page after swapping instead of taking you back to the homepage.
AR-4858 | Acorn as Partnered Content - Select Authentication Method
Added support to change the authentication method for our Acorn to Acorn integration to allow greater flexibility with single sign-on configurations.
Bug Fixes 🐞
AR-4910 | Momentum - Attempt dropdown missing
Fixed a bug that caused the attempts dropdown to no longer be visible.
AR-4917 | Supervisor session approvals capacity increase bug
Fixed a bug where two supervisors attempted to approve team members, but only one spot was available, would increase session capacity.
AR-5040 Missing the edit button in partnered content
Fixed a bug where the edit button for partnered content would sometimes be unavailable to administrators.
AR-5095 | Fixed SCORM player whitespace
Cleaned up the SCORM player showing whitespace on all modules' bottom and righthand sides.
AR-5104 | External Learnings cannot export to Excel
Fixed a bug where the Excel download would fail to download if the learner had multiple external learning records of the same learning type.
AR-5115 | Tenancy selector blank
Fixed a bug where sometimes the tenancy selector would be blank on certain pages when attempting to swap tenancies.
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