How to add or delete a content category How to add or delete a content category

How to add or delete a content category

Daniel Jordan Daniel Jordan

This article will guide Administrators through the process of adding, updating and removing a content category.

Categories can be utilised to filter for specific content within the Acorn catalogue. 

Please note - content can only be assigned to one category at a time.

Adding a new category

1. Navigate to the content you wish to apply your category to and click the cog icon.

2. Click Update.

3. Click into the Category dropdown field and select Add New Category.

4. Type in the name of the new category and click the save icon.

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5. Navigate to the bottom of the page and click Update to save your changes.


Updating or reassigning content to a new category

1. Navigate to the content you wish to update the category for and click the cog icon.

2. Click Update.

3. To reassign the content to a new category, click into the category dropdown field and select a different category.  To edit a category name, select the relevant category from the list and then click the pencil icon. Remember to click the save icon following your changes.

4. Navigate to the bottom of the page and click Update.

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Delete an existing category

If you wish to remove the content from an existing category, select None in the category dropdown field.

1. Navigate to the content you wish to update the category for and click the cog icon.

2. Click Update.

3. Click into the category dropdown field and select the category you wish to delete.

4. Click the bin icon. You will be prompted to confirm, as this option will delete the category from all content.

5. Navigate to the bottom of the page and click Update.

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