View Registration Form Responses View Registration Form Responses

View Registration Form Responses

Daniel Jordan Daniel Jordan

View Session Registration Form Responses

Registration forms can be used to collect useful information from users who are registering for a face-to-face or face-to-screen event. For example, you may be required to collect dietary information from users who are attending a face-to-face session.

This article will show you how to view user responses for a session registration form.

Registration form responses can be accessed in two ways:

Method One - via Live Learning session

1. Navigate to the Live Learning.

2. Click the Admin cog and select START EDITING.

3. Expand the Event and identify the Session you intend to view the responses for.

4. Edit the Session by clicking the pencil icon.

5. In the pop up window, scroll down to the VIEW SUBMISSIONS button. This will open a new tab and take you directly to the form report for that specific session.

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Method Two - via Reporting (Form report)

1. Navigate to the Admin menu and select Reporting, then Reports.

2. Select the Form Report.

3. Select the form that is associated with the session and include any additional settings. Click Next.


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Exporting Responses

To export the submissions as well as the response data, complete the following steps:

1. Click into the Submissions tab.

2. Expand the Additional Settings menu 

3. Tick the Show Responses checkbox, this will include the response data in the report.

4. Click Export to CSV to download the report.






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