Release 1.5.1 - 26 March 2024 Release 1.5.1 - 26 March 2024

Release 1.5.1 - 26 March 2024

Theo Lionis Theo Lionis

New suite of external features; external dashboard, catalogue checkout and more!

Version 1.5.1 will be rolling out on all sites from Tuesday 26th, March 2024

What's New! 🎊

This release includes a suite of features and enhancements to improve the experience for external use cases, users not logged into Acorn and e-commerce. Let's take a look. 

Want to configure any of these external features? Get in touch!

AR-5336 | External Catalogue

The external catalogue has been a popular request, and we now have it! Individual tenancies will be able to configure an external catalogue, allowing users who still need to log in to browse and access our platform's content. This feature is handy for those new to your platform or not yet ready to create an account, who will now have the opportunity to browse and discover content.

AR-5335 | External Dashboards

Say you want to cater to external users; our new external dashboards allow you to display customised text and link widgets to users who are not logged in, encouraging them to sign up or learn more about your offerings.

New external widget dashboards are available for users who have not yet logged in. This means you can have various text and link widgets to help and guide users before they login or sign up.

AR-5337 | External Checkout

One common feedback from those who use e-commerce features is that new visitors often need more steps in the buyer journey. 

The external catalogue feature also has an external checkout configuration, allowing you to sell your content to users who don't have an account on your platform. With this feature, users can create their accounts and complete their purchases simultaneously, reducing the steps in the buyer journey and making it easier and faster for them to access your content.

If the external checkout is not enabled for the tenancy, users will be asked to register and log in before proceeding to the checkout. 

AR-5430 | My orders page

Previously, the only way to access a user could see their transaction information was in the training history with the associated course or live learning. However, this caused a problem for users who had been refunded for a course, as they would lose visibility of it in the training history.

With the new "My Orders" page, this issue has been resolved. It lists all the user's transactions separately, providing a clear and comprehensive overview of their purchase history. This makes it easier for users to keep track of their orders, refunds, and payments and ensures they have access to all the relevant information they need.

AR-5338 | Open user fields

Do you find yourself repeating the same field across tenancies? You can now make open custom user fields, allowing them to be used across all tenancies. By creating open custom user fields that can be used across all tenancies, you can manage and report on the same field without replicating it across multiple tenancies. This will reduce the upkeep required and ensure the data is consistent across all tenancies.

Additionally, users with tenancy swap permissions will benefit from filling in the field just once, as their responses will be saved and available across all tenancies.

Changes ✨

AR-5450 | Video activities to the activity bank

The activity bank now supports video activities, allowing you to reuse videos across multiple courses or live learnings.

Bug Fixes 🐞

AR-4442 | Description randomly appears or disappears on video content in the catalogue

Fixed an issue causing the video description to disappear depending on the window width. 

AR-5433 | CPD table is cutoff in Training History PDF

Fixed an issue where a user's training history export would cut off the CPD table if there were too many CPD categories. 

AR-5435 | Checkbox and multi-select dropdown fields crash 

Fixed an issue that was causing checkbox and multi-select dropdown fields to crash when field dependencies were configured with an "answered with a specific response" configuration.

AR-5463 | Successful reports showing as failed

Fixed an issue where sometimes successful reports showed as failed. 

AR-5554 | Double loads in admin interfaces for Acorn Admins

Fixed an issue where a page would load twice when an admin swapped tenancies.


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