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This article will guide Administrators through the process of running a new report.
Reporting is available to Administrators and Reporting Officers in the form of a dashboard and a variety of on-sc...
This article will provide Admin's an overview of the different types of Reporting Widgets that can be used on the Reporting Dashboard.
Each widget has a different purpose and can be utilised in man...
This article will provide Admin's an overview of the different types of Supervisor Widgets that can be used on the Supervisor Widget Dashboards.
Each widget has a different purpose and can be ut...
This article will guide Admin's through the process of creating supervisor widget dashboards.
Supervisors in Acorn are able to run reports on the users they are assigned to and are given access to ...
This article will guide Admin's through the process of creating customised reporting dashboards.
Reporting Widgets can be utilised to create a custom reporting dashboard for Administrators.
If you ...
This article will provide Admin's a guide on how to view emails that are generated from the LMS.
1. Navigate to the 'Admin' menu and click 'Tenancy Management'. Select 'Email Logs' from the secon...
This article will guide Admin's through the process of removing a tenancy swap.
Removing a tenancy swap will disable the ability for a user to swap between tenancies within the Acorn site.
If you ...
This article will guide Admin's through the process of initiating a tenancy swap.
Tenancy swaps allow for individual users to swap between specific tenancies within an Acorn site.
Example - A user ...
This article will guide Admin's through the process of deleting a Program.
1. Navigate to the Program's page by click 'Admin' and then selecting 'Programs'.
2. Click the icon in line with ...
This article will guide Admin's through the process of deleting a Page.
Please note - the Page is not linked to Page Activities that are created within Courses. If you are looking to delete a Page...